This past weekend I loaded up my 3 horses and business to move back to Black Pony Farm in Manassas. Moving the horses was the easiest thing I did and went through. It was very bittersweet leaving behind the place I considered my sanctuary and what I built up. However moving back to Black Pony was a homecoming that was much needed! The quietness of the farm and fellowship of those who are there is much needed. I plan on wintering at the farm and this coming spring spreading our wings on to a new farm of our own, as that is in the works.
What you can expect of SCS for the next few months, I am still operating and offering services. The lesson program has dramatically decreased in size to a few loyal students who still want to ride their favorite SCS horse. 2 horses have been leased to competent riders who understand their limitations with another just stepping forward to lease the remaining horse. I am exploring ideas of expanding our services, announcements to come later!
I do want to take a moment to thank the Ross family. They allowed me to rent their facilities for a year and half and in that time I learned how to run a boarding and lesson barn and manage personnel. It wasn’t all that it appears to be when you are just a student or an employee of a lesson barn. I learned how I will better my operations for later and who I want to associate with. Most importantly I want to thank Kim. With her wisdom and patience I grew into a well rounded and practical horse owner since starting SCS together. I watch her grow as well in her knowledge and admire the horse person she has become. I am rooting for her in her endeavor. We are still working out our business relationship and hope we both gain from where our paths go!
– Christina